From Kaaba to Sidrat al-Muntaha

Indeed the Sidrat al-Muntaha is a Lote-Tree which is lying at the end of the seven Heavens and no substance is allowed to cross it as it’s behind there is a dwelling of God. Only the one influential figure has crossed such a strong curtain by the Divine’s power. Yes, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who is the most beloved Messenger before the Allah-Almighty, got such great bliss. Allah-Almighty one night ascended His man from Al-Haram to Sidrat al-Muntaha by the metaphysical system as well. Muhammad (SAW) visited from all the heavens and hells including gifted and unsuccessful people at different spots. Moreover, the Prophet of God also met with several Messengers of God who welcomed to Him with a prodigious way. At last, the white safari became motionless because of getting front the God’s real dwelling. However, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) faced the Allah-Almighty with striking dignity and courage as God had already specially prepared Him in this critical meeting. Co...