Critical Umrah Guide for Women
A woman plays a vital role in the history of Islam. As well as the man takes responsibility to pass the life according to Islam, thus all the rules are applied on a woman but just little bit differences occur at the same time. For example, if talk about the Salah the man is supposed to offer five times a day from adult age to onward till at death but in all circumstances even harmful disease it could not be left, yet the compensation is allowed just to offer it short while the journey. However, the lady can’t offer the prayer during menstrual cycle even not to compensate and it is a huge difference.
Since the woman is a very sensitive creature rather than a man because of its menstrual period which cannot be tolerated during the Divine’s worship. Similarly, performing Itikaf uncertainly the menstrual spell starts regardless, so the woman has to break this Ibadah (worship), but this rule is not applied at the man. And when it comes to Umrah which is non-mandatory Hajj comparatively nonetheless it has the great worth to eliminate the sins and to please the God as well.
- Same there are some differences between man and woman to perform the Umrah, therefore you must concentrate if you have planned to perform it through the Five Star Umrah Packages From UK which will guide you the best. Let’s us a just quick rundown on some of differences b/w man and woman vis-à-vis Umrah execution. Ihram is not stipulated for a woman as a whole but covers properly the body.
- During the menstrual cycles, a woman needs to abstain from performing Umrah.
- A man shaves off his head, on the other hand, the woman just allows cutting the hair the length of a fingernail.
- Al-Idhtebaa and Al-Raml are not compulsory for a woman.
- Talbeeyah-said in low voice by woman pilgrim.
- Makeup is not allowed.
- The woman is not allowed to veil her face.
A woman can perform Umrah with father, mother, grandparents, brother, nephew, parent-in-law, son-in-law and milk-suckling mahram, in-short she is not allowed to perform it as an alone or non-blood person. As well as woman is very conscious about to perform Umrah insensitive case but she has a keen desire to perform such holy Ibadah in the prominent month of Ramadan as it is the month of forgiveness.
Hence, if you are finding the Full Ramadan Umrah Packages 2019 in this regard, thus first you have to confirm whether it is absolutely suitable and there is no chance to break it while performing. As we have already discussed that woman is a very delicate living being who cannot swallow the hot temperature particularly the UK base Muslim woman in the tropical region because we all know Arabia is a land of hot region.
In such circumstances, the woman ought to choose the December month which is very comfortable to complete the Umrah as safe & sound. As a result, if you have a dream to look yourself in the holy city of Mecca as well Medina through the December Umrah Package 2019 then make sure whether all the surroundings are well to perform the Umrah. If the answer you get in yes, however with closing eyes you must confirm your Umrah Ibadah with full of confidence.