Greatest Sacrifice of the world

Allah (SWT) tested all the Messengers in different ways to judge their devotion that how they could bear the Divine’s trials. All the Messengers were to face the trials but prophet Abraham (AS) faced several tests in this regard. 

“And when God said in the dream of Abraham (AS), you must slaughter your most lovable thing. Abraham (AS) slaughtered many of the camels to the fulfillment of a dream. But God again demanded the slaughtering of lovable thing, Abraham (AS) once again slaughtered the animals. 

Eventually, Abraham (AS) came to know what Allah (SWT) demands. So, he discussed his son and wife to slaughter his son Ismael (AS). Both agreed for that demand of God.Yet, Abraham (AS) took his son to the place of Mina to sacrifice his beloved son. 

As he ready to slaughter his son, meanwhile Allah (SWT) sent a ram and accepted the sacrifice of Ismael. So, this was the great sacrifice of Messenger which had ever seen.Today several Muslims memorize the great sacrifice of Ismael (AS) in the form of slaughtering the animals in the 10th of Zil Hajj every year in the whole world. Most people also go to Mecca to perform Hajj where they perform all the rites of Hajj which belong to the trials of Abraham (AS).

If you have a keen desire to perform Hajj but could not have access then you must divert your attention into Umrah. Certainly, Umrah is a non-mandatory obligation but has tremendous significance in Muslim world. Thus, Cheap Umrah Packages 2019 will be the best option to memorize the trials of Abraham (AS). 

There is another option which increases the virtues even equal to Hajj. That’s why several pilgrims make their arrangements in the month of Ramadan to get the Hajj’s equal reward. Because the Prophet of God said, performing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Haj’s reward. Thus, Cheap Ramadan Umrah Packages 2019 will increase your intrinsic worth even equal to Hajj. 

But, before going to perform Umrah you must know that Ramadan will be planetary circled in an extremely hot season which might be difficult while Tawaf or circumlocution around the Kaaba and Safa and Marwa. So, if you could not bear the hot climate then Umrah Package 2019 would be proved the finest Umrah experience as well. 

As in this weather, pilgrims have found the friendly climate which could not disturb the Umrah. People also visit the other Islamic destinations to get to know Islamic history through the ancient relics because of finding the easy approach due to suitable temperature.However, we should realize the great sacrifice of Ismael (AS) and should render the Sadqa even handful of grains for the salvation. 

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